Pretty self-explanatory, I know. These were taken on the 13th (of May) but it's taken me a bit to get them posted. Both Audrey and Bennett came with us as I thought it would be very exciting for them (and I didn't want to find a sitter for our 7am appointment). They were bored out of their minds and didn't see what the big deal was. Audrey told me a couple days after that she didn't believe that there's a baby in my tummy, but that I was just eatting too much food... kids!!
Here's an update on my growing belly at 17 weeks (and counting - I'll admit it). I've donned the preggo shirts to help strangers determine it's a baby causing the bulge. Maternity clothes are really so much more comfortable besides. We got to hear the heartbeat again at he doctor's this morning. Bennett was so excited to be there for that! My "anatomy scan" ultrasound is scheduled for May 13th. I'm betting on a girl, but we're taking suggestions for boy names too!