All of us from out of town got to come together to stay in a 3-story townhouse in Provo. Lots of little boys between Sydni's 2, my 2, Aaron & Krystal's 2 when they visited from their Provo apt, and Lisa's 3 (not so little). Pictured are Jeremiah, back left; Luke, Sydni's youngest, front left; Lincoln, Aaron's oldest, front right; Zac, Sydni's oldest, back right.
The kids had a blast at this reception with the upstairs balcony in the barn and the pasture behind it. They really would have been content to run around the countryside and fish with a net in the pond, fancy reception clothes and all.
We did have a little time with Rob's family while in Provo. This is at his sister, Kate's. That's Kate's adorable daughter, Emily between Audrey and Bennett. They were working on a cotton candy street-side business, but ended up eating most of the would-be product.