Tuesday, September 23, 2008

You guessed it!

Congrats everybody... you're all very smart. Think I'll do away with the other two letters before the great unveiling. My mom was actually the first to guess right on Sunday... without any extra hints for those who think I might favor her. We'll definitely let each and everyone of you know shortly after the big event. Thanks for playing our game - I love you all!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Here's the give-away

I realize that this letter makes the possibilities somewhat slim. It's fun to read all of your guesses and I admit that there are a few we hadn't thought of but really like. Krystal, your comment about the saw and sandpaper made me laugh. Anything could happen I suppose.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Next Clue

Thanks for your patience everyone... you're all being good sports!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Clue for the name game

Here's the next letter on the wall... the way it's going to stay. That is, the letters are in the correct order. Thanks for your guesses - no, we don't have a winner. We've decided that the winner will get the first phone call when the little guy comes out. Does anyone have a problem with a 3am phone call?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The name game

We'd like to announce that we've finally made a committment to a name for our soon-to-be-born son. We have actually purchased these wooden letters and drilled holes in the nursery walls to hang them. I suppose we could still go back, but we feel like this is it. This posting's for you Em, although that's not what we're naming him. These are just two of the letters in the name we want you to guess. I'll give you another letter in a day or two. Oh, just humor me and make some guesses!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

1 month to go...

We're in the final preparation weeks before our unnamed baby arrives... he's due exactly one month from today! This week we purchased a "birthing ball" (really just an exercise ball) because that seemed to provide a little comfort during Bennett's birth. I also dove into a paint-the-nursery project a few days ago. It's going to be two shades of Apple Green - just the lightest shade is done so far. Here's me carefully teetering on the ladder while the kids "help".